


e世博esball,我们认识到、承认并欣赏每个学生都是独一无二的. 像这样, our admissions application process allows each student individual attention throughout the review and decision process.

路易斯安那e世博esball大学 uses a holistic assessment of a student's completed application when making admissions decisions. 招生委员会在做出决定之前会考虑所有提交的信息.



  • Xavier应用程序或通用应用程序
  • 推荐信(来自大学顾问)
  • 正式高中成绩单
  • 论文(如果没有提交官方考试成绩则需要)
  • 简历(未提交正式考试成绩需提交)




大学希望申请人对申请表上所有问题的回答准确、真实. Any falsification of information in the application may result in denial of admission or University disciplinary action. 我们鼓励申请人使用其中一种网上申请. 没有申请费.


A transcript of credits from a regionally and/or state-accredited high school indicating that the applicant has, 或者将完成, a minimum of sixteen academic units of secondary school work in college preparatory subjects which include: 4 units of English, 2单元数学(包括代数), 1个科学单元, 1个社会科学单元, 语文或其他学术选修课8个学分.

数学 & 科学的学者

对数学相关专业(会计学)感兴趣的学生, 计算机科学, 数学, 数学教育, or any of the natural sciences) ideally should have four years of college preparatory 数学 courses, 包括两年的代数, 几何之一, 至少学一学期的三角函数. 建议自然科学专业的学生, 除了上述的数学课程, 也应该学习生物学, 高中的化学和物理.


Applicants who have not completed a regular high school program but who have taken the General Education Development test and obtained satisfactory grades may be admitted by presenting a high school equivalency certificate in lieu of a complete high school transcript. 这些证书可以通过学生所在的州教育部获得.

坐 & ACT分数

入学不需要考试成绩. 你应该提交吗?, Xavier accepts scores from the Scholastic Assessment Test (坐) or the American 大学 Testing Program (ACT). 三年级4月至四年级1月之间的考试成绩优先.








P.O. 132箱

新奥尔良,LA 70125


XULA 坐代码:6975

XULA ACT代码:1618


All students are considered for merit-based scholarship opportunity in the application review process regardless of which option they choose in applying to Xavier. 访问学术奖学金页面了解更多信息.
Please log-on to your Xavier Student Portal to double-check we have received all required documents for application review. 一进入这个页面,你就会被告知需要做什么. 如果情况并非如此,并且已经超过两周,请与办公室联系
所有学生都将接受入学评估,无论他们是否选择提交考试成绩. We practice a holistic review process and will give students admission consideration using all information submitted within the application.
e世博esball大学对入学没有最低GPA或最低考试要求. The application review process takes on a holistic approach to review each applicant based on their application and supporting documents (i.E、成绩单、考试成绩、推荐信、个人论文等.).
No, 我们没有超级得分, 然而, 我们将以8月1日之前提交的任何官方考试(ACT/坐)的最高综合分数为标准.
是的,我们是可选测试的. 由于目前的大流行, e世博esball大学放弃了考试要求,学生可以在不提交考试成绩的情况下申请. 如果学生选择不提交考试成绩申请, 他们必须提交一篇书面文章来代替考试成绩. 论文题目要求是“你为什么想上路易斯安那州e世博esball大学?.
不,择优奖学金没有单独的申请程序. All students are automatically reviewed for institutional merit-based awards during the evaluation process.
鼓励学生在奖学金截止日期(12月1日)前申请. 考虑秋季入学,首选申请截止日期为3月1日.
A copy of your acceptance letter is accessible through the application portal where you check the status of your application. 这是你的正式录取通知书. 通知也通过电子邮件发送. 通常,邮寄的录取材料会在录取决定完成后两周寄出. div>



Instructions for how to pay your deposit have been emailed to the email address you provided when completing your application. 具体步骤如下:

点击的链接 按照以下步骤操作:

  1. 点击“教育付款”下的“付款”选项卡.
  2. 在第一个滚动菜单中选择Louisiana.
  3. 在“付款实体”下,选择路易斯安那e世博esball大学.
  4. 在“付款类别”下,选择存款.
  5. 在“付款方式”下,选择“录取接受付款”.
  6. 点击“付款”.
入学新生可以在注册前申请更换专业. A request can be made via the student application portal and admissions will review this request and alert students of the change via email.

学生 that are in need of taking a placement test can do so by reaching out to the 学生学业成就 Office (SASO) by using the following email address: 然后将安排一次虚拟分班考试. 也, the required scores for the placement test (Accuplacer) and other test scores can be found on our website:

Test scores can be emailed directly to a student’s respective admissions counselor or to the 招生办公室 to have the scores added to their application. Scores must come from verified sources such as the company offering the test (大学 Board or ACT) or from the college counselor at a student’s high school.
入学新生可以在注册前申请更换专业. A request can be made via the student application portal and admissions will review this request and alert students of change via email.
An email detailing this information has been sent to every admitted student; 然而, 获取详细信息最简单的方法是发邮件确认


First Day Complete is a course material model that lowers the cost of materials for students and ensures students have access to all of their required course materials on or before the first day of class. 通过这个新项目, 纸质书将方便地包装,以租赁的方式提供给学生, 数字材料将直接在校园LMS内交付. 费用将以“金书包”的形式记入您的费用帐单。. 学期结束的时候, 学生将收到电子邮件提醒,将他们的实物课程材料归还给书店.
是的, 路易斯安那e世博esball大学 offers several institutional merit-based scholarships as well as need-based grants and loans offered after completion of the FAFSA application.
不,e世博esball大学是私立学校. 州内和州外学生的学费是一样的.
是的, work-study is need-based aid offered through the FAFSA application and administered through the Office of 金融援助.


e世博esball是一级NAIA会议的成员. 我们的特色节目有篮球等, Track, 越野, 网球, 和竞技啦啦队(男女)和排球(女子)棒球(男子), 垒球(女子). 访问xulagold.Com获取更多信息。.
是的. 目前,神圣的9个兄弟会和姐妹会中有8个在校园里很活跃.
不,e世博esball大学是私立学校. 州内和州外学生的学费是一样的.
是的,"e世博esball指数"是一项荣誉课程,只接受邀请. 这个体验式项目通过跨学科提供了宝贵的机会, 协作, 创新的学习方法也会影响积极的社会变革.


去年新生的平均成绩是3分.GPA 67分,ACT / 1100 坐考试成绩22分.

是的! 我们接受大多数AP考试的最低分数为3分,IB考试的最低分数为4分. 具体信息可在 




去年新生的平均成绩是3分.GPA 67分,ACT / 1100 坐考试成绩22分. 


是的! 我们接受大多数AP考试的最低分数为3分,IB考试的最低分数为4分. 具体信息可在 







No,  a foreign transcript evaluation is not required if the official transcripts are in English and show a grade scale for each letter or number grade. 

No. 所有 文件必须由学校、考试机构或辅导员发送. Documents that are sent by students for family members are not accepted as an official document for admissions review. 


是的,国际学生可以获得任何优异奖学金,最高可获得全额学费. 优秀奖学金是基于GPA和考试成绩,不需要居住或公民身份.


No. Federal financial aid is offered through the FAFSA application which requires US residency or citizenship. 如果国际学生没有美国居留权或公民身份,我们不能授予他们联邦资助.


No, These test scores are only required for non-English natives or if you have not met the 坐 or ACT test score Benchmarks for English and Reading/Writing. 


A Certificate of Financial Support is part of the admissions review for international students and is MANDATORY. 此表格须邮寄至:





新奥尔良,LA 70125 


This form validates that a student from overseas can meet the tuition requirements and meet the F-1 visa requirements. 如果学生不符合这一要求,他们可能不会被录取或签证,或两者兼而有之. 


如果你申请的是春季课程,截止日期是9月1日. 如果你申请秋季入学,截止日期是3月1日. 


该应用程序对所有申请路易斯安那州e世博esball大学的学生免费. 你可以在我们的网站xula上申请.Edu或通过一个普通的应用程序. 


学生可以通过登录在线申请门户查看申请的所有更新. Once you complete your application you can track the status of your application by simply logging in to your online account and view your application status. 


一旦你被录取,你会收到一封电子邮件,让你知道你的录取更新和决定. 2-3周内, 然后你会收到录取通知书,其中包括你的录取通知书, 你的奖学金金额(如果有的话), 和你的I-20申请表. 一旦你收到这个包裹,你需要在你的大使馆安排你的签证预约. 在您完成签证预约并收到F-1学生签证后, 你需要交入学押金和住宿费,以确保你在e世博esball大学的住宿和入学. 




我们知道,学生第一次上大学可能是一种难以承受的经历. 在e世博esball大学, we offer resources to help students take advantage of all our campus has to offer as well as have a successful and rewarding time during their time at Xavier University.